

LEBENSSINN Vernissage will be live next Thursday with an all-female group show featuring work from a selection of our berlin based contemporary artists and a talk by the founders of Mæcenarte (Pasquale Marino | @pasqalmarino) and @limna (Marek Claassen | @marek_claassen) about the shaping of the art world in the new normal.

🗓 THUR. SEP. 16.
⏰ 6 - 9 PM
📍@erstererster_berlin, Pappelallee 69

This show celebrates the research of the meaning of life and so it devotes itself to honoring women artistic accomplishments. We wanted to see LEBENSSINN seen and emboldened by women.

We are proud to feature the work of:

Eva Dittrich | evadittrich_
Dana Engfer |@dana_engfer
Silvestre Preciado | @natiibynature
Karolin Schwab|@karolinschwab_
Anke Völk | @anke_voelk

During the show you can get price validation and data visualization about the painting that inspires you through, and you can bring it home via monthly plans through @maecenarte.