Art has this noble purpose ~ to refine the senses and uplift our beings. „IMAGO POIESIS“ is floating towards the deepest longings of the soul, in constant metamorphosis between substance and essence.
„GOLDEN LIGHT“ oil paintings are all about the ethereal bond between soul and spirit. „SENTIENT BEINGS“ - are the clay manifestation of the soul, experiencing its emotional substance, as liberated beauty daring to life.
LöLü is the creative spirit sharing its soul journey in gallery erstererster 17Jan - 27Jan
„GOLDEN LIGHT“ oil paintings are all about the ethereal bond between soul and spirit. „SENTIENT BEINGS“ - are the clay manifestation of the soul, experiencing its emotional substance, as liberated beauty daring to life.
LöLü is the creative spirit sharing its soul journey in gallery erstererster 17Jan - 27Jan